APS Exhibition Hannover


Hannover Exhibition took place between the 20th of November and the 1st of December, in order to promote the content generated along the development of APS project.

On the 28th of November, a public presentation was organised, Chiara Farinea from IAAC illustrated the project, this was followed by a Roundtable with Jorg Schroder and Emanuele Sommariva from the Leibniz University of Hannover.




APS Exhibition Barcelona Opening

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The opening of the APS Exhibition in Barcelona took place in the new building of the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia on the 13th of November after the Responsive Cities Symposium 2017.

The exhibition is a selection of best projects included in “State of the Art and Best Practices Collection” and “Implementing technology towards active public space. “How to” Guide” publications, developed within the framework of Active Public Space Project. Also, visitors can cast a look at the installations carried out during the project in Barcelona, Prague and Vienna (PobleJoc, Air-Move-Sound and Kepos).

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Responsive Cities – Active Public Space Symposium program

Responsive Cities – Active Public Space Symposium program is online!


pdf: IAAC_RC_program.pdf

You can find more info at the symposium website:


Prague Installation


Don’t miss the Air – Move – Sound event in Prague on the 15th of August!
In Pavlova Square from 2:00pm to 8:00 pm with intermediate artist Michal Kindernay we will discuss with the inhabitants of Prague, who are passing through the town every day, about the possibilities of improving the I.P. Pavlova Square. At the same time we want to inform the public about the movement of people, air quality, and noise in one of Prague’s most polluted places. Measured data, processed in comprehensible form, will be communicated through a series of postcards, interactive website and with artistic and social events.

For more info: http://magistrala.eu/

Vienna Installation


On the 6th of June at MAK Museum UAAV installation KEPOS will open to the public. It will be available until the 22nd of June.

Combining knowledge on smart planning and smart technologies with citizen participation, KEPOS highlights architecture’s integrating and innovative role in implementing sustainable urban developments. Actively engaging citizens, the installation is showcasing the potentials of information and communication technology (ICT) in public spaces for user interaction and participation, thus raising interest in architecture and public space among a broader audience.
Connected to the internet, KEPOS engages via social media with the community, transforming its space into an active participant of urban life. Therefore, the pavilion is not only designed to provide a semi-private shelter in the urban context but it also engages by communicating its current status. Continue reading

Prague Workshop – Outcomes


The Dathaton workshop occurred in Prague between the 11th and the 13th of November 2016 at Carge premises. 50 students attended the workshop.

The central theme was the activation of Prague public space.

The students were provided with a set of data, that have been analysed in order to improve city or governmental policies as well as concrete spaces. All data used by the students has been divided in 916 microdistricts. They could be combined to neghborhoods and these added up to municipalities.

How can data help to actively shape cities? How can we activate public space by data usage? How can citizens collect data and actively shape their city? Those are some of the questions on which the students were focusing during the three intensive days, exploring new solutions.

(Prague Workshop Programme)

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Barcelona Installation – Outcomes


APS Barcelona Installation was developed in the framework of the #SUPERILLA pilot project, which goal is to test in the area of San Marti district the Superilla Plan for Barcelona. The plan aims at closing to the traffic a part of the city roads, creating pedestrian areas and public space, following the scheme below:





Five  Barcelona schools of architecture have been invited to set up installations to activate, between the 12th and the 22nd of September 2016, the new public space generated in the #SUPERILLA pilot project area.

IAAC participated with APS workshop students, developing the POBLEJOC installation, conceived during the Barcelona workshop.

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Barcelona Workshop – Open call for applications


Call for applications to participate to Barcelona workshop is now open!

The workshop (September, 5th– 7th 2016) will focus on the principles, implications and applications of ICTs for urban space and will include the following modules:

  • parametric design based on environmental conditions and selected data
  • real time data visualization
  • digital interfaces for the design and participatory management of public space
  • urban monitoring devices
  • smart advanced materials and applications in the built and public space
  • lectures by IAAC experts on technologies developed for smart energy management

The call is open till the 18th of August 2016.

In order to apply please send your cv to [email protected] providing the following information: Name / Age / Nationality / Education / Work experience / Experience in public projects & activities. Please write in the e-mail subject: BCN workshop application.

For further information:

BCN call for applications

Vienna Workshop – Outcomes


The VIE workshop took place in Vienna between the 8th and the 10th of June 2016 at UAAV premises. 11 students attended the workshop.

The aim of the workshop was to provide participants, through lessons and practical exercises, with the necessary knowledge to design Active Public Space.

Each participant in the workshops developed technological skills and get understanding of parametric and sustainable design, new smart and sustainable materials for construction, the potentials of different hardware and software applications in public space and methodologies for citizen participation, thanks to lectures and tutorials (VIE Workshop_Program).

The workshop the following lectures have been given:

on Energy Design & Workshop Task

Bernhard Sommer and Galo Moncayo, University of Applied Arts in Vienna

Arguments on Public Space in Vienna

Beatrice Stude

Citizen Participation

Igor Kovacevic

on Micro-Climate in Urban Public Spaces

Matthias Ratheiser

Visualization & Interpretation of Data

Alexandre Dubor

On Interactive Systems

Saman Saffarian

Moreover the following tutorials have been given by Galo Moncayo

  • Arduino
  • Digital Mapping of Real Space Using Sensors
  • 3d Modeling of Interactive Geometry

The students developed projects of interactive prototypes for the public space.

During the last workshop day the students presented the work developed in front of a jury composed by: Andrea Börner (UAAV), Chiara Farinea (IAAC), Anna Gulinska (UAAV), Yvette Vašourková (CCEA), Bernhard Sommer (UAAV), Beatrice Stude, Reiner Zettl (UAAV)


Vienna Workshop – Open call for applications


Call for applications to participate to Vienna workshop is now open!

The workshop will focus on energy design, and climate related aspects of the public space and will include:

  • Teaching and practice of monitoring climate data from weather stations
  • Visualization and interpretation of data
  • Teaching and practice for parametric design based methodologies on environmental conditions
  • Lectures by UAAV Experts on Energy Design
  • Production and testing of interactive mock-ups (arduino)
  • Documentation of discussion, and user behavior
  • Final public presentation of realized work and closing discussion

The call is open till the 25th of May 2016.

In order to apply please send your cv to [email protected] providing the following information: Name / Age / Nationality / Instruction / Work experience / Experience in public projects & activities. Please write in the e-mail subject: VIE workshop application.

For further information: APS-Workshop-UAAV

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