Institute for advanced architecture of Catalonia  

IAAC, Barcelona

Intelligent cities, self-sufficient buildings, digital matter, design with nature and advanced interaction form IAAC’s research lines. IAAC has renowned expertise in the combination of software and hardware in public space that allows: real-time data capture; energy generation, storage and reuse; material adaptability; parametric design; real-time management of time-uses and citizen (space) interaction.




Centre for Central European Architecture

CCEA, Prague

CCEA focuses on experts and professional architects, as well as wider public interested in following current developments in architecture and looking for possible ways of perceiving and understanding it.

CCEA bring its expertise in communicating architecture to wider audiences and generating public debate by means of citizen participation processes.




University of Applied Arts Vienna

UAAV, Vienna

UAAV participates in APS through two departments of its renowned Institute of Architecture: Energy Design and Urban Strategies. They provide strategies allowing to develop systems (parametric methods and software) to balance the energy consumption and the energy production of buildings and urban space.
