The VIE workshop took place in Vienna between the 8th and the 10th of June 2016 at UAAV premises. 11 students attended the workshop.
The aim of the workshop was to provide participants, through lessons and practical exercises, with the necessary knowledge to design Active Public Space.
Each participant in the workshops developed technological skills and get understanding of parametric and sustainable design, new smart and sustainable materials for construction, the potentials of different hardware and software applications in public space and methodologies for citizen participation, thanks to lectures and tutorials (VIE Workshop_Program).
The workshop the following lectures have been given:
on Energy Design & Workshop Task
Bernhard Sommer and Galo Moncayo, University of Applied Arts in Vienna
Arguments on Public Space in Vienna
Beatrice Stude
Citizen Participation
Igor Kovacevic
on Micro-Climate in Urban Public Spaces
Matthias Ratheiser
Visualization & Interpretation of Data
Alexandre Dubor
On Interactive Systems
Saman Saffarian
Moreover the following tutorials have been given by Galo Moncayo
- Arduino
- Digital Mapping of Real Space Using Sensors
- 3d Modeling of Interactive Geometry
The students developed projects of interactive prototypes for the public space.
During the last workshop day the students presented the work developed in front of a jury composed by: Andrea Börner (UAAV), Chiara Farinea (IAAC), Anna Gulinska (UAAV), Yvette Vašourková (CCEA), Bernhard Sommer (UAAV), Beatrice Stude, Reiner Zettl (UAAV)